
 人気マージャンマンガ「咲-Saki-」の外伝「咲-Saki-阿知賀編 episode of side-A」の実写映画(小沼雄一監督、20日公開)の完成披露舞台あいさつが1月11日、東京都内で開かれた。



Hiyori Sakurada and Momoka Ito perform enthusiastically in the live action movie ‘Saki’

Trailer of “Saki Achiga-hen Episode of side-A” (Saki, a fateful meeting) spin-off, the famous Mahjong Mangawas released on 22nd December.

Actress Hiyori Sakurada played the main character, Takakamo Shizuno.

Besides, Momoka Ito from “Fairies” played childhood friend of Shizuno – Atarashi Ako, and Yuka Ogura, RaMu, Manami Arai from “Up Up Girls” (Kakko Kari) also appeared in the movie.

“Saki” is the manga set in the world where mahjong is played as a sport, it depicts one group of high school girls aiming for national championship.

“Achiga-hen” is the spin-off outlined by the viewpoints of Takakamo Shizuno and Atarashi Ako, childhood friends of the protagonist Takakamo in the TV anime which was broadcasted in 2012