Fujiwara Norika, born in 1971, 50 years old this year, still has his charm, and was rated as one of the five most attractive stars in Japan. 51171d70a5b6c2485a24361038890141]]], 1992年,大學還沒畢業的她,就獲得了日本小姐冠軍。”,null,null,3,null,null,[[]],[[zh_en_2020q2.mdShe is naturally beautiful and has a perfect body, which is rare in all of Asia. 51171d70a5b6c2485a24361038890141]]], 她在國內的名氣雖然沒有林志玲大,但是身材一點而不比林志玲遜色。”,null,null,3,null,null,[[]],[[zh_en_2020q2.mdIn 1993, Fujiwara Norika received a swimsuit advertisement from a big-name company and was noticed. 51171d70a5b6c2485a24361038890141]]],1995年,藤原紀香家鄉西宮市發生地震,那場地震幾乎沒人倖存,藤原紀香因為在外地工作而躲過了一劫。”,null,null,3,null,null,[[]],[[zh_en_2020q2.mdThe so-called disaster is not si, there must be a blessing, which is really good. 51171d70a5b6c2485a24361038890141]]],藤原紀香的事業在此後一飛沖天,紅遍日本,成為了日本所有男人的夢想。”,null,null,3,null,null,[[]],[[zh_en_2020q2.mdEspecially in 1999, she starred in a TV series called “Spicy Teacher 2: Teacher Zhihai”, in which she played a passionate young teacher. 51171d70a5b6c2485a24361038890141]]],正是這部劇,讓藤原紀香爆紅日本,她從此成為日本所有宅男的夢幻女神。”,null,null,3,null,null,[[]],[[zh_en_2020q2.mdPeople who grow up all over the country will naturally be pursued by many people, but there are very few who can capture his heart. 51171d70a5b6c2485a24361038890141]]],能和她在一起的人,肯定也不簡單。”,null,null,3,null,null,[[]],[[zh_en_2020q2.mdHer first public boyfriend was the famous Japanese actor Masaya Kato. 51171d70a5b6c2485a24361038890141]]],如今加藤雅也年紀也不小了,但依然風度翩翩,魅力不減當年,很多小女生看見她還會大聲尖叫。”,null,null,3,null,null,[[]],[[zh_en_2020q2.mdThe love affair between Fujiwara Norika and Kato Masaya made a sensation in Japan, not only because of her fame, but also because of the scandal between her and Aaron Kwok. 51171d70a5b6c2485a24361038890141]]], 1998年,《雷霆戰警》的導演找到了藤原紀香,邀請她出演這部電影的女一號。”,null,null,3,null,null,[[]],[[zh_en_2020q2.mdKnowing that it was cooperating with the four heavenly kings, Aaron Kwok, of course she happily agreed. 51171d70a5b6c2485a24361038890141]]],這也是她把演藝事業拓展到中國的極好機會。”,null,null,3,null,null,[[]],[[zh_en_2020q2.mdDuring the filming, the plot needs, and they will appear closer. 51171d70a5b6c2485a24361038890141]]],讓人沒想到的是,戲裡互相吸引的人,在戲外也上演了一段秘密戀情。”,null,null,3,null,null,[[]],[[zh_en_2020q2.mdAaron Kwok and Norika Fujiwara met in Los Angeles to cross the millennium together. Although their relationship has not been made public, it has already been recognized by netizens. 51171d70a5b6c2485a24361038890141]]], 2000年,藤原紀香被曝光和郭富城在一起後,被日媒報導腳踏兩隻船。”,null,null,3,null,null,[[]],[[zh_en_2020q2.mdIn October of that year, Aaron Kwok’s birthday, Fujiwara Norika crossed the ocean to bless Awake. In November, Kato Masaya broke up with Fujiwara Norika. In December, Fujiwara also came to join in the Aaron Kwok concert. 51171d70a5b6c2485a24361038890141]]], 媒體報導,他們沒有承認也沒有否認。”,null,null,3,null,null,[[]],[[zh_en_2020q2.mdThey put on the couple’s diamond ring and were photographed staying overnight together. 51171d70a5b6c2485a24361038890141]]], 為了藤原紀香,郭富城和導演唐季禮鬧不和。”,null,nu►欢迎订阅 : https:https://www.youtube.com/c/celebritycn?sub_confirmation=1
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