#異文化交流 #millionaire #外国人の反応


”Planet of Food”は



制作:島津秀泰(Hideyasu Shimazu)、Kenichi Iwabuchi



アライグマ・・・Cydonie Brown(シドニーさん)青森県にある三沢基地の海軍で3年勤務の経験を持つ。大阪の道頓堀で暮らしていた時期があり、日本の在住歴は14年。現在は、アメリカ コネチカット州在住。

ライオン・・・丸尾孝俊(兄貴:Aniki)大阪生まれ。3歳で母親が家を出る。中学校卒業後、看板屋に丁稚奉公。 その後、吉本興業事業部に入社。独立。トラック運転手からセミナー会社経営などを経て28 歳で単身バリ島へ渡る。現在、バリを中心に不動産資産数百ヘクタール数十件の自宅を所有。アニキに会いに訪れる日本人は毎年2000人を超え親身になってその人々の人生や仕事、人間関係等、様々な内容の相談に乗り、全世界に広がる仲間達と共に古き良き日本の一丸性と人情奪還を目指す。

メンフクロウ・・・水道橋博士 岡山県生まれ。ビートたけしの下に弟子入りし、その後、1987年に浅草キッドを結成。テレビ東京「浅草橋ヤング洋品店」で人気を博す。幅広い見識と行動力は芸能界に留まらず、スポーツ界、政界、財界にまで及ぶ。近著に「藝人春秋Daily」がある。プライベートでは3児の父でもある。

Planet of Food
The concept of “Planet of Food” is “Life is more fun when you know the world’s cuisine! Planet of Food” is a project that invites three housewives who live in different parts of the world to share information about food and cross-cultural exchange.

Twitter: @PlanetofFood1

BGM: “MusMus

Production: Hideyasu Shimazu, Kenichi Iwabuchi

<This year’s theme: “Revealing Your Normal Clothes”.
In this first episode of the New Year 2022, we welcome celebrity Takatoshi Maruo, a.k.a. Big Brother, a billionaire from Bali, and comedian Dr. Suidobashi to talk about what celebrities usually eat. This year’s event will be the first of its kind in 2022.

<This time’s performers
Raccoon… Cydonie Brown (Sydney) has three years of experience serving in the Navy at Misawa Air Base in Aomori Prefecture. She lived in Dotonbori, Osaka for a while and has been living in Japan for 14 years. She currently lives in Connecticut, USA.

Lion… Takatoshi Maruo (older brother: Aniki) Born in Osaka, Japan, his mother left him at the age of three. After graduating from junior high school, he apprenticed himself to a signboard maker. After graduating from junior high school, he worked as a apprentice in a signboard shop, then joined the Yoshimoto Kogyo division. Became independent. After working as a truck driver and managing a seminar company, she moved to Bali by herself at the age of 28. He currently owns several hundred hectares of real estate assets and dozens of homes, mainly in Bali. Every year, more than 2,000 Japanese people come to see him for advice on various topics such as life, work, and human relations, and he aims to regain the unity and humanity of good old Japan with his friends around the world.

Tyto alba…Hakase Suidobashi was born in Okayama Prefecture. Became an apprentice to Beat Takeshi and later formed the Asakusa Kid in 1987. Gained popularity with TV Tokyo’s “Asakusabashi Young Western Goods Store. His wide range of insight and energy extends not only to the entertainment industry, but also to the world of sports, politics, and business. His recent publications include “Geijin Shunju Daily”. In his private life, he is the father of three children.