We have updated our pronunciation courses!
【March courses】 are available now on Patreon.
There are other courses besides pronunciation, such as checking/correcting your writing!

In this video, we talk about Japanese ひな祭り (Hinamatsuri Festival).
We have a festival called ひな祭り to pray for the healthy growth of girls on March 3rd.
We display special dolls in Japanese traditional outfit.
We hope you will enjoy the video and get more familiar with Japanese culture:)

#Japanese #culture #Hinamatsuri #ひな祭り #Japan #日本 #GIrlsday

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Support us on Patreon (Pronunciation courses with individual feedback)

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👉ツイッター; https://twitter.com/nihongolingokk

Patreon でサポートする(個人フィードバック付きの発音コース)