Erina Mano (真野恵里菜) – "Going Home" – Pure English version with Subtitles

A friend once asked me if Erina had any English songs ~ well, “Yes” (^^,)

Mano-chan’s “Going Home” 家へ帰ろう had a portion with full English lyrics. This song was the theme of her movie “Kai-Ki: Tales of Terror from Tokyo!”.

In this video, I extracted the English portion and edited the audio so that it will be in a pure English version. I also added subtitles. It’s my first time to add “karaoke-type” subs, so I hope this comes out fine. =)

Indeed, Manoeri can sing in English … Wonderful !! (*,_,*)
I do hope she’ll be singing more English songs in the future.

Video Source:
– Otome No Inori 乙女の祈り music video (another version)
– Girls! 真野恵里菜 モノローグ (monologue intro)

Lyrics: projecthello.com

Aegisub Script: pyointa2001

Video & Audio Edit: pinoymanofriend

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ありがとうございます。~ Arigatou gozaimasu.
Thank you so much. ~ Maraming salamat po.

– pinoymanofriend º(ö,)º