Liu Li early early collection of film, リ ッ プ を ○○ に 挟 む! The

グラビアアイドルの柳瀬早紀が15日、東京・秋葉原で行われた「柳瀬早紀 ずっと笑顔で」DVD発売記念イベントに登場した。



Yukisaki Suzuki of gravure idols appeared on the 15th, in Tokyo / Akihabara “Yanase swiftly smiling” DVD release commemoration event.

This is his 13th film this time in Phuket in Thailand in June. Regarding the swimsuit we used, Yanase said, “I finally wore a white bikini on the 13th piece, it was amazingly fresh and glad when I was wearing the royal road gravure costumes, I usually have many vivid colors (in white swimsuits ) I think that it was wonderful that the older older sister of the year was taken, “PR with a smile.

I cup body is attractive Yanase. Regarding episodes of shooting, “I may be angry but sometimes it was troublesome to return lips and creams and it was taken in lower milk and photographed,” revealing an unexpected hidden technique.

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