池松壮亮「ヒットの臭いがしないのに」自虐あいさつで会場沸かす 映画「無伴奏」プレミア試写会1 #Sosuke Ikematsu #event




“Sosuke Ikematsu “”Despite having no feature of a hit,…”” Live up venue with self-tormented greetings. Premiere preview of movie “”Mubanso”” 1.

The premiere preview of the movie “”Mubanso”” (Directed by Hitoshi Yazaki, to be premiered on the 26th) was held in Tokyo on March 14th, with the attendance of Rico Narumi, Takumi Saito, Sosuke Ikematsu, Nina Endo, and director Yazaki.

The movie is adapted from a semi-autobiographical novel by Mariko Koike.