【アメリカ生活】息子(5歳)が結婚宣言⁉️🫢ど真面目ダディは大激怒😡💢 | 初恋相手に息子はメロメロ😍| Walmart でお目当てのミニパイをゲット‼️気になるお味は❓| 老夫婦の会話|

St B St Yay piz where See huh B okay let’s go [Applause] yeah Micah this boy is only 5 years old got all the ladies what’s up with that because he’s so nice to the girl that’s good though you know that’s not mean to all little girls hugging him what’s going on that was so Cute proba they’re too too young for girlfriends right now it’s okay but it’s okay just friends yeah just just friends but one on want to get married oh yeah yeah yeah that’s right at five oh that’s good they’re best friend yeah best friend good great times great times ask mhm that’s

Good they are smiling at the year two years that’s so cute yeah I think I think Rob is her dad who rob who’s love Rob you don’t know no what are you talking about no no no no no scal is dead oh last time like last even what’s

That even Lev when we went out to the um like a Christmas even like pancake no um fall the fall event mhm cuz Skyla daddy is glasses it’s kind of like kind of like not talking to a lot of yeah I know you know like speak okay so we going to

Walmart yeah don’t forget to get your little pie thing I forgot thank you yeah pie I’m going to try every time forget yeah I a forget [Applause] later Peon pumpkin that’s your favorite one wa it’s a lot lemon get one apple get another another what is this lisiana Louis blueberry like apple pie Chell pie apple pie I like chocolate cream pie too much chocolate have you ever had chocolate before no just try okay I’m going try chocolate this is

Small you want to try it out uh lemon you good Okay [Applause] [Applause] thank you you’re welcome [Applause] Baby this is a high calorie too this is small but double chocolate 300 look chocolate cream is chocolate and it’s cream pie it’s chocolate cream you got chocolate and cream that’s why why this is small like my hand yeah chocolate and cream combination Fore fore speee got on so foree fore [Applause] I’m it’s 712 taking mic to school I love taking mic to school no I do not What’s it doing it’s digging Bo that ain’t good still doing oh I See you ready oh she watch banaana byebye M M byebye M byebye all right




#アメリカ子育て #アメリカ生活 #国際結婚 #アメリカの学校 #アラフォー主婦 #テキサス在住 #walmart #結婚宣言 #食レポ #ウチナーンチュ #沖縄