Eternal Zero, the Pacific War: View from Japan

The unthinkable spy games in WW2: “Gentlemen Do NOT” in Spying? – the Road to Pearl Harbor

The Pacific War: Views from Japan
During the attack on Pearl Harbor, Admiral Nagumo (南雲) did not dispatch the expected third wave to destroy the fuel farms, dry docks and submarine base. It was considered a military blunder similar to the German’s at Dunkirk. One reason was the nerve-racking wait for a few more hours to retrieve the air strike forces. Nagumo was among an old school thought of navy officers who believed in battleship dominance, different from that of Admiral Yamamoto, who knew that there would be no navy in the future without the mastery of the air and submarines. It was said that Commander Fuchida (淵田), leader of the air strike, was outrageous when he learned of the order to retreat without getting the job done. Fuchida miraculously survived the war, became a Christian evangelist. He traveled throughout America and Asia. He visited our Presbyterian church in 1968, but declined to make comments about Pearl Harbor and the War.