

こんなに沢山視聴していただけると思わなかった。もっとちゃんと作ればよかった O_O

私の初節句(ちなみに私は今年37になります)のお雛様を、数十年ぶりに母が飾ってくれました。家紋と私の名前・生年月日入り、三歌人 (菅原道真、小野小町、柿本人麻呂) 付きの八段の雛人形です。

March 3 is the day of the Dolls’ (or Girls’) Festival in Japan.
It’s called Hina-matsuri in Japanese.
Most little girls will be given these dolls by parents and the one in this video is mine that my parents bought me when I was born, family crest is placed on the bottom of the red carpet.
Dolls and their gadgets, dresses, or other ornaments, everything is really gorgeous and delicate in all details.

The song in this video is most popular song of Hina-matsuri that any Japanese knows.

↓By Wikipedia↓
Hinamatsuri, also called Dolls’ Day or Girls’ Day, is a special day in Japan. Hinamatsuri is celebrated each year on March 3. Platforms covered with a red carpet are used to display a set of ornamental dolls representing the Emperor, Empress, attendants, and musicians in traditional court dress of the Heian period.