13 LOST – The Untold Story of the Thai Cave Rescue

Subtitles: Chinese, Japanese, Thai, Spanish, French, Dutch, Russian, Ukrainian, German, English…


Tham Luang caves, June 2018. The Wild Boars football team are cut off by flash floods and are trapped a thousand meters below the surface inside the mountains of Chiang Rai, northern Thailand. An unprecedented rescue mission commences, which will last eighteen days and will tragically claim the life of Saman Gunan, an experienced Thai Navy Seal diver.

This documentary is exclusive footage shot during the rescue period as seen through the eyes of our diving team, Ben Reymanents and Maksym Polyjeka.

Divers had to overcome not only physical but also huge psychological challenges, which is why most of them gave up. In the end only two teams remained, the British team of John Volanthen and Rick Stanton and our team, though the Brits had begun having second thoughts. While the British team were considering leaving, Ben and Max successfully navigated and laid guide lines through the most difficult passages, driving forward the rescue which ultimately led to all the children’s survival.

Skills, luck and their refusal to give up was what it took to succeed when others had failed.


The Thai Cave Rescue lasted for 18 days.
Over 10.000 volunteers participated in the Thai Cave Rescue.

#thaicaverescue #thamluangcave #caverescue