I interview J.D Strange a British expat who has spent the last 22 years in Thailand who tells a number of fascinating stories about his experiences in Thailand.

He begins by entertaining us with a story of getting lost on his first night in Bangkok which led to a peculiar encounter with a stranger on the street. We then move into what J.D. Strange calls ‘the meat grinder of Bangkok” where people are chewed up and spat out, losing everything they have. Last but not least is a story which I enjoyed the most. It’s a tale of how J.D. Strange got sued by a cartoon character while he was living in Thailand.
#thairishtimes #expatinthailand #livinginthailand

Amazon link to J.D Strange’s books: https://www.amazon.com/J.D.-Strange/e/B004XFWCYU%3Fref=dbs_a_mng_rwt_scns_share

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