Stories are a magical way to give children memories, nurture imaginations, and develop literacy skills! This month you will find simple stories that children will beg, “Do it again! Do it again!”

Everyone who tells a story adds their own flavor and personality to it. Here are some creative ideas you’ll find this month to make stories come alive:

flannel board tell and draw
file folder overhead
paper tear story house

Hint! It’s important to set the stage and capture children’s attention before you begin telling a story.

Say a finger play, sing a song, or put on an apron or hat to indicate it’s that special time of day.

Birdies –
Way up in the sky        (Put hands in arm pits and flap arms 
The big birdies fly.                  like a bird.) 
Way down in the nest   (Make a nest by cupping hands.) 
The little birds rest. 

With a wing on the left,         (Wiggle left arm like a wing.) 
And a wing on the right,       (Wiggle right arm like a wing.) 
The little birds sleep             (Put head down on palms as if
All through the night. SHHHHHH!           (Put finger over lips.) 


Then up comes the sun.     (Put arms over your head.) 
The dew falls away.            (Bring down palms.) 
Good morning! Good morning!     (Put open palms around your
The little birds say.

Sing and Act – Let children dramatize this song.  Choose one child to be the mother or father bird.  Let the other children be the baby birds.

Paper Plate Birds and Nests – Let children make birds or nests out of paper plates.