材料 Ingredients
海魚 1條 / 1 fresh fish
香茅 2-3支 / 2-3 lemongrass
蒜頭 2瓣 / 2 cloves garlic
薑 2-3片 / 2-3 slices ginger
檸檬 1個 / 1 lemon
檸檬汁 3-4湯匙 / 3-4 tablespoons lemon juice
魚露 3-4湯匙 / 3-4 tablespoons fish sauce
糖 1湯匙 / 1 tablespoon sugar
胡椒粉 適量 / ground white pepper, to taste
辣椒 1-2隻 (視乎個人口嗜辣程度) / 1-2 chillies (according to personal preference)
芫茜 1札 / 1 bunch coriander
做法 Method
1. 刮去魚鱗,仔細翻開魚鰓和魚肚清洗,印乾水份。
Scrape the fish scales. Wash the gills and cavity thoroughly. Pat dry.
2. 香茅用刀拍扁,再切段;薑切片。
Flatten the lemongrass with a knife side, then cut into sections. Slice the ginger.
3. 檸檬榨汁,預留3-4湯匙作醬汁,檸檬切片。
Squeeze the lemon and reserve 3-4 tablespoons of juice for sauce. Slice the lemon.
4. 蒜頭切末、辣椒切粒 (部份切碎作為裝飾)、芫茜切碎。
Mince the garlic, dice the chillies (finely cut some for garnish), finely cut the coriander.
5. 將蒜末、部分辣椒粒、1-2湯匙芫茜碎、魚露、檸檬汁、糖、少許胡椒粉一起混合調成醬汁。
Mix the minced garlic, part of the diced chillies, 1-2 tablespoons of coriander, fish sauce, lemon juice, sugar and a pinch of ground white pepper to make a sauce.
6. 魚肚內放薑片及數段香茅去走腥味。
Stuff the ginger slices and a few lemongrass sections into the cavity of the fish to lessen the fishy taste.
7. 將香茅及部份檸檬片鋪在鍋內墊底,放上鮮魚及3湯匙水,在魚上淋上醬汁及鋪上幾片檸檬。
Place the lemongrass and part of the lemon slices on the bottom of the pot, place the fish on top and add 3 tablespoons of water. Add the sauce and place a few slices of lemon on top of the fish. 
8. 蓋上鍋蓋,開中大火加熱,待氣閥門跳動便轉細火,煮約10分鐘或至魚熟透,煮時保持氣閥門跳動。
Put the lid on and cook it over medium high heat. When the Vapo-valve starts to click, turn to low heat. Cook for 10 minutes or until the fish is well done. Keep the valve clicking while cooking. 
9. 上碟前再灑上新鮮芫茜碎和辣椒碎,並用新鮮檸檬片裝飾。
Before serving, sprinkle with some fresh coriander and finely cut chillies, and garnish with a few fresh lemon slices. Enjoy!

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