
The New Reality & Documentary Series, which is about the life of a gay man who counts NY as his 2nd hometown 🙂

I’m gonna make Vlog Videos time to time and will share here as my vlog/documentary.

I’m a foreign gay man who has been to US 5 times by now (Michigan, California and New York – NY 3 times. ) and New York is like 2nd hometown to me now 🙂 All experiences I had in US amazed me and I had wonderful experiences there, especially in NY. I found myself in NY and I learned a lot of things by the culture experiences, and it reminded me that it is very important to be who I am. They accepted who I was, no matter if I was a gay man, a foreign guy or someone who has autisum. They saw me as a person, named Scotty/Tetsu and they didn’t see me like crazy person at all. My dream and next goal is finding someone special to share rest of the life with, as my dream is having a family with my future partner/husband when the time is right. It would be wonderful and awesome if I had someone special to share every small moment which could actually be special, like going for walk or grocery shopping, or even spending time together for big moments like each birthday and holiday, like Christmas and Thanlsgiving. Raising a family and having kids would be wonderful if only we will be on same page but first I would love to be in a new good relationship with my future boyfriend who may be my future partner.

Anyway, hope you enjoy my videos and the Vlogs, and thanks for checking them out 🙂 Hope you have a wonderful day. Talk to you soon.