南明奈「しっかり支える奥さんになりたい」理想の夫婦像語る 映画「愛を積むひと」大ヒット記念イベント1 #Akina Minami #event




Akina Minami talks about ideal image of husband and wife. “I want to become a firmly-supportive wife”. Event of top hit of movie “A love accumulator” 1.

The event of top hit of the movie “A love accumulator” (directed by Yuzo Asahara) was held in Tokyo on July 6th. In connection to the movie – which depicts the husband-wife bond, 2 couples including Akira Nakao & Shino Ikenami and Daisuke Motoki & Izumi Ogami- who are happily married couples representing the showbiz, and media personality Akina Minami — a prospective bride attended the event.