
Do you currently have ~?『今現在・・・の症状はありますか?』
Do you have fever? (熱)
Do you have chills? (寒気)
Do you have cough? (セキ)
Do you have shortness of breath? (息切れ)
Do you have difficulty breathing? (呼吸しずらい)
Do you have fatigue? (疲労感、倦怠感)
Do you have muscle or body aches? (体の筋肉の痛み)
Do you have headache? (頭痛)
Do you have new loss of taste or smell? (味覚や嗅覚の損失)
Do you have sore throat? (のどの痛み)
Do you have nausea? (吐き気)
Do you have vomiting? (嘔吐)
Do you have diarrhea?  (下痢)