
出演:ディーン・フジオカ 岸井ゆきの 佐藤隆太 / 西村和彦 本仮屋ユイカ / 板尾創路  石野真子  ユースケ・サンタマリア


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#パンドラの果実#ディーンフジオカ#岸井ゆきの#ユースケサンタマリア#SCIS #DEANFUJIOKA

『Pandora’s fruit』

A police officer who lost his beloved wife meets a genius scientist who once turned her back on her field.
Yuichi Kohiruimaki established the Science Crime Prevention Unit. Together with his genius scientist advisor Yukiko Mogami, they take on cases that were committed using cutting-edge science. Kohiruimaki’s unit is tasked with proposing new laws and dealing with crimes that the police department isn’t prepared to handle. Up until now, crimes that wickedly use the power of science were considered “peculiar and incomprehensible cases.” But Kohiruimaki and Mogami don’t merely conduct scientific investigations per se—they investigate to understand the science itself that lies hidden behind the crime.