Around the year 1579 an African of Mozambican origin arrived in Japan in the services of an Italian Jesuit, against his will of course. His name was Yasuke, born between 1555 and 1566, and he soon caught the attention of the Japanese for the color of his black skin. One of these admirers would change his life and Japan forever: His name was Oda Nobunaga. This land lord was impressed by Yasuke’s height, which was considered a giant compared to the average Japanese of the time, and recruited him to be his bodyguard.

When Yasuke became a samurai in 1581, his legend soon spread that he was an invincible giant warrior with the strength of ten men. He possessed two swords, which he wielded like no other, and learned to speak Japanese fluently. It earned an anime series on Netflix in its honor. He returned to serve the Jesuits and nothing is known about his final fate.

#shorts #yasuke #samurai #black #legendary #history

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