Kiss it Better Paperback

About Us – At book bond we believe in developing a bond between a child and parents during the time of reading ,we started our operation in 2020
the year of pandemic when babies were all of the sudden locked down in 4 walls no Outdoor activity, no school , no picnic or any kind of social gathering.. And we felt immediate need to entertain them, teach them, engage them.Then these books came to rescue. Our books got an amazing feedback and kids loved and learned them from all over parts of the world.
Now we are the sellers of all kinds of children books and toys for 0-8 years | all books are imported and toys are made in India | plz visit our website to see more options.

About the Book- Every day has its ups and downs Sometimes you giggle, sometimes you frown. But the thing to remember, the secret, is this . . . Everything feels better with the help of a KISS. If you’ve scraped your knee, or fallen out with your best friend, a kiss can make everything better. And kisses aren’t just for children, they’re for grown-ups too. So the next time you see someone you love feeling down in the dumps, just remember: a kiss is the very best gift of all! A tender expression of love, Kiss It Better is the perfect gift.

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Kiss it Better | Paperback

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