白亜と黒龍攻略とアルベドガチャを有里ユイ ママ(@83yui87)に見守られながらやりました

I’m Iris-Taisa, Vtuber!
💜Thanks for subscribing to my channe and thumbs up💜


00:00:00 ごあいさつなど
00:01:15 ストーリー本編
01:41:26 ガチャ
01:47:16 考察?タイム
01:51:32 イベント攻略


今回は有里ユイ ママ(

This time, I was watched over by Yui Arisato’s mom (
I’ve been playing Genshin Impact of “The Chalk Prince and the Dragon” in the v1.2 update with my mom, Yui Arisato, watching over me!
I hope you enjoy the atmosphere of the game, as the two of us had a lot of fun playing together.







◆イラスト・モデリング:有里ユイ/Yui Arisato
