天火電影 | 動作災難片 | 電影解說 | 男人帶著女友遊泳,火山突然爆發,在災難面前,人類是多麽的渺小



天火島美得如同世外桃源,幾乎讓人忘記它位於“Ring of Fire(火圈)”——全球知名的環太平洋火山帶。年輕的地質學家李曉夢(昆淩飾)為了研發首個火山監測系統“朱雀”,帶著團隊來到了這裏。李曉夢的父親、隱退多年的火山專家李文濤(王學圻飾)得知後趕到火山口,力圖勸說她離開。與此同時,探險專家正楠(竇驍飾)在美輪美奐的水下溶洞潛水,準備給女友佳慧一個浪漫的求婚。火山噴發了,這些人的命運糾結在一起。為了看見明天的太陽,他們必須與過去和解,合力為自己也為眾生在絕境中尋找一條生路。 這是一個關於愛與勇氣、選擇與放棄、自救與他救的故事


Tianhuo Movie | Action Disaster Movie | Movie Commentary | A man swims with his girlfriend, and the volcano suddenly erupts. In the face of disaster, how small is human beings

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“Sky Fire” is an action disaster film directed by Simon West and starring Wang Xueqi, Kun Ling, Dou Xiao and Ji Lingchen. It was officially released in China on December 12, 2019
The film tells the story of Li Xiaomeng, a young geologist who was attracted by the paradise Tianhuo Island to develop the first volcano monitoring system “Suzaku”, and brought his team here to save himself and him.

Tianhuo Island is so beautiful as a paradise, almost people forget that it is located in the “Ring of Fire” – the world-renowned Pacific Rim volcanic belt. Young geologist Li Xiaomeng (Kun Ling) came here with a team to develop the first volcano monitoring system “Suzaku”. Li Xiaomeng’s father, Li Wentao (Wang Xueqi), a volcano expert who has retired for many years, rushed to the crater to try to persuade her to leave. At the same time, exploration expert Zheng Nan (Dou Xiao) is diving in a beautiful underwater cave, ready to give his girlfriend Jiahui a romantic proposal. The volcano erupted, and the fates of these people were intertwined. In order to see the sun of tomorrow, they must reconcile with the past and work together to find a way out for themselves and all beings in the desperate situation. This is a story about love and courage, choice and giving up, self-rescue and others’ rescue

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